Edging Towards the Finish Line
Since the call to ‘roll our sleeves up’ as we enter the tail end of the project, Team IDT have duly delivered. Significant progress has been made in both the analysis and design sides of the project.
The analysis team put in an unbelievable number of hours this week to combat FEA challenges arising last week. A number of errors were identified and resolved while working with our laboratory colleagues here at Tokyo Institute of Technology. We have now completed 10 of our 25 load cases with a view to complete the remaining 15 in the beginning of next week. Next week will also see the start of results post processing which will be the basis of defining our injury criterion.
The design team also made fantastic process this week. Two drafts of the concept design report have been completed, along with the first draft of the gum guard test rig design report. A full developed design of the gum guard test rig was finalised, manufactured and physically tested. Next for the design team is to validate our prototype by data analysis on data gained from physical testing. Further work on the final detailed design report will also be completed.
The finish line is now in sight for IDT. As a team, we responded to pressure positively and worked hard this week to make substantial progress. We need to keep this momentum going for the coming weeks to achieve a great solution by our final deadline in four weeks.