And... That's a Wrap!
On September 24th, we were posed the challenge of developing a novel system for the prevention of injuries … IDT answered, and answered with vigour! Early mornings, late nights and countless coffees later, we were proud to deliver the final SGG prototype to academics here at Tokyo Tech. This presentation draws a close to three fantastic months of project work spent in Tokyo, and what a three months it’s been. Between fall outs and nights out friendships for life have been forged and memories made that won’t be soon forgotten.
Thanks to all the individuals in the Miyazaki-sensei laboratory for making us feel welcome and helping us in times of need (of which there were many!). A special thanks to Harasawa-san, without whom, this project would just not have been possible. Finally, thank you to Miyazaki-sensei for his guidance and help over the course of the project. Without his contribution and backing, the SGG concept would almost certainly have remained on paper.
The story doesn’t end here for IDT though. Here in Tokyo, the SGG will be taken forward into an advanced development stage by the Japanese contingent of the group. Meanwhile, Scottish members will spend the next three months in preparation for presentating to university academics at Strathclyde.
Tokyo, it has been an absolute privilege. Sayonara!